La Navidad 2020
LLC share memories of Christmas and speak a special word about the significance of the season in 2020.
LLC share memories of Christmas and speak a special word about the significance of the season in 2020.
Members of the Latino Leadership Circle discuss how we can move forward as people of faith after this contentious presidential election.
The Latino Leadership Circle discusses issues that should help inform our choice for the 2020 Presidential Election.
The Latino Leadership Circle discusses the importance of the 2020 Census for the Latin@ community. Fill out the census at: Videos to encourage the Census can be found at
Latino Leadership Circle airs the audio portion of the introductory session of an excellent webinar resource from Freedom Road with Lisa Sharon Harper, Rev. Dr. Liz Rios, and Rev. Jose Humphreys called “Lessons from the LatinX Church”. The link to the full resource is at
Latino Leadership Circle discusses the call for social justice brought on by the murder of George Floyd. Please see our Statement of Solidarity with the Black Community
This is part 2 of Grief and Loss in a Time of Uncertainty. As the world continues to experience the Covid-19 crisis, the Latino Leadership Circle discusses the by-products of grief, loss and uncertainty, and how we can begin to cope with these realities in our lives.
As the world continues to experience the Covid-19 crisis, the Latino Leadership Circle discusses the by-products of grief, loss and uncertainty, and how we can begin to cope with these realities in our lives.
Members of the Latino Leadership Circle community from across the country share their thoughts and discuss how we can respond to the current Covid-19 crisis.