Time Magizine Cover Story “Why We Should Teach the Bible in Public Schools”

This week’s TIME Magazine cover story, "Why We Should Teach the Bible in Public School," argues that academic study of the Bible in public schools is important and needed.

Senior religion reporter David Van Biema writes, "Should the Holy Book be on the public-school menu? Yes. It’s the bedrock of Western culture. And it’s constitutional—as long as we teach but don’t preach it…"

Van Biema praises the Bible Literacy Project’s textbook, stating that

"[Public school Bible electives] should have a strong accompanying textbook on the model of The Bible and Its Influence…"

I urge you to pick up a copy of the April 2nd issue of TIME from your local newsstand and share it with your local administrator. Read the complete story here!

This is great follow up tool for any contact you have previously made in your district. It will allow you to:  Further educating your contacts

 Demonstrates a public acceptance of our curriculum

 Shows not only do high school teachers and college professors view the educational value of the Bible as necessary, mainstream media does.

I encourage you to purchase a copy. The inserts and graphics are not available on the web.

Our volunteer numbers are significantly increasing. We have school boards voting on our curriculum during April and numerous presentations.

If you haven’t updated your account online or followed up personally with me this month please send me an email or call.

The website will be updated with new school totals the beginning of April, be sure to look at the site to see our progress.

With sincere appreciation for your work,

Leigh Heller, Volunteer Coordinator

Bible Literacy Project




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