by Luis Alvarez
I finally got the nerve to do my first post. Quite frankly I was avoiding it. I’ve always felt blogging in its most significant form involved some type of self disclosure and to some extent making a piece of your journal public. For the last couple of months I wasn’t really keen on disclosing anything although there was plenty of fodder. There were plenty of reflective moments and plenty of painful, joyful and teachable situations to share with community.
So what finally got me blogging? Well, my need for community outweighed my need for anonymity. Let explain, although there is a need in me to be part of, to know others and to be known, David Ramos’ consistent spurring, his holding me to task about contributing, his final "you know, you haven’t blogged yet" finally caused me to commit and respond "I’m going to do it tonight." Thanks for bringing me into community Dave!
Richard St. Victor, theologian of the 12th century, when describing the trinity posits that God comes into union by sharing oneself. Although we fail to have the adequate language or grammar to describe the nature of God in fullness, since Genesis we see glimpses of the Divine’s nature that we could only describe as a type of community, "Let us make man in our image…..", "Let us go down…" (Gen.1:26, Gen. 1:7). The former scripture, from the first creation account, essentially says I’ll make man like me. Theologians have mulled over the "imago dei" (Image of God) for centuries, but an idea of great consensus is that the relational nature of humanity derives from the creator. In this sense "Blogging Community" is a divine or spiritual act.
Among the deep convictions of the LLC is that we have voice representing emerging Latinas and Latinos the body of Christ. We’re lead to find a nexus of understanding within our bi-cultural and spiritual identity. This blog is the conversation. This blog opens up the circle, makes it bigger and it unifies us as a people, as we share ourselves. Perhaps blogging is one of Jesus’ answer to prayer in John 17, "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you."
Join us, lets blog community…..
Wonderful input my brother! I especially loved uou “theologizing” about the very nature of blogging. Now we need to get the rest of the group to join us in cyber space. I’m calling out Omar, Belinda, Gabriel, and JC to do the same.
I like when you said,
“Well, my need for community outweighed my need for anonymity.”
we’re open letters to be read, and by us sharing some of our journey with others, we become a fellowship…i guess in this case a fellowship of the blogosphere.
good stuff Luis. I hope there’s more to come.
Thanks guys. Thats pretty cool, Jose, like the Lord of the Rings” … “The Fellowship of the Blog”
mira luis
good lookin out on posting books. let’s survey the group on adding a few more…