The Center for Reformed Church Studies at New Brunswick Theological Seminary is now in its seventh year. The Center’s purpose is to promote reflection on the history, life and witness of the Reformed Church in America and of the broader Reformed tradition.
The Center offers a broad range of programs for a wide audience, including scholars, RCA members, and indeed everyone concerned about the Reformed tradition and its renewal. It also arranges workshops and events within the seminary community to help connect RCA students with the life of the denomination.
All of the events in the calendar below are open to the public. You are cordially invited. If you are intending to come, please let Joanne Noel know, at or 732-247-5241 ext. 112.
John Coakley and Mark Kraai, members of the NBTS faculty and RCA General Synod Professors, serve as Director and Associate Director, respectively, of the Center. Joanne Noel is the Program Coordinator
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