Passage to India

Please keep me in your prayers as I will be traveling to India today for the next two weeks.  I will be ministering at an international pastors conference as well as on the streets. 

David Ramos


  1. Muchacho:
    Pa’ la India?! I have a hard enough time trying to get to New York once in a blue moon. You are in my prayers. I hope you like curry? Vaya con Dios!

  2. David,
    It took me four planes, two buses and about three days of travel to get here, but we finally arrived yesterday. They serve curry for breakfast but I love Indian food so I lucked out. I’m keeping myself fueled on Masala tea. Tomorrow I will be taking a two hour drive to minister in a village as well as a Bible school. I’m co-leading a team of about 27 people. Towards the end of the week I’ll be ministering at a Pastors conference. We are in high spirits but tomorrow we will be start a series of intensive activity. Thanks for your prayers David, they are appreciated.
    Vishakhapatnam, India

  3. Dave,
    keep posting on your travels (if possible). This is great to hear. May the Lord grant you safety in your travels.
    Jose H.

  4. Thanks Jose,
    Yesterday we traveled for two hours by bus and visited an ophranage where we ministered to children, women and young men. We were brought to tears as we witnessed their bare feet walking on the dirt floors. We then walked about a mile down a circutious trail through a village where where chickens, pigs and cows walked freely about to a make shift church with no walls and a carpet for a roof. There we preached the Word of God and prayed for the sick. We witnessed a tangible difference in radiance of their faces when we left.
    Last night I preached in a church with about 100 people. I felt the power of God as I and my interpreter spoke about the love of God and his transforming power.
    My team hit the urban ghettos today inviting people our meetings. streets
    Tonight I will be ministering again and for the next three days at a Pastors Conference. Please keep us all in your prayers.
    David Ramos

  5. Maritza Ortiz

    David,hombre esforsado, amador de Yahweh y su mission para la raza humana, que nuestro amado amigo Jesus te sigue fortaleciendo y llenandote de su compasion y gracia. Cada vez que tu doble to copa para dar a los que estan ambriente de esa gracia y compasion que nuestro Dios trino te llene el vaso aun mas. Y Y con este mismo espiritu de amor le pido a nuestro Dios trino que ponga una cubertura sobre tu esposa y tu herencia. Que la sonrisa de nuestro amigo Jesus siga lumbrando sobre tu jornada…en la India. Que tu viaje de regreso a los Estados Unidos sea liviano y suave. Una amiga y hermana que comparte la misma fe amor al unico Dios vivo y verdadero Yahweh, Maritza

  6. Dave,
    I know u don’t have a satellite phone LOL. What do you think about getting an intern for LLC for a semester? They can help with the ACTS program.

  7. Maritza,
    Muchisimas gracias por tu oraciones y palabras de animo. El Señor se a demonstrado en una manera poderoso aqui en la India. Esta mañana los pastores de India me recibieron con mucho calor miendras estaba ministrado la palabra de Jehova. Siento que hay un union en el Espiritu con hellos. Te voy a contar cuando regreso a los Estados Unido.
    Tu Hermano,

  8. Jose,
    Dude, that’s a great idea. I guess by now we would have found out about the LPAC grant. I think its a wonderful idea and would be a good experience for both our intern and for ourselves. Can you discuss this with Luis and Belinda before I get back?
    I truly was tired yesterday. I got very little sleep the day before and by evening I felt like a zombie. This is a lot of work but man–what a blessing.

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