Lunar Eclipse Tonight!

Check out one of natures exciting night sky marvels.  You won’t be able to see another total lunar eclipse until December 20, 2010.  The total lunar eclipse scheduled for prime time viewing hours tonight may be washed out by earthly showers.

The Earth’s shadow begins to crawl across the moon at 8:43 p.m. Totality begins at 10:01 p.m. and lasts 50 minutes. From 10:51 to 12:09 a.m. Friday, the Earth’s shadow will retreat slowly from the moon’s face.

The totally eclipsed moon with have an orange-red hue from sunlight that bends around the Earth through its atmosphere and strikes the moon anyway.

If clouds interfere, eclipse watchers can check out an Eastern Standard Time view through a webcast from the Coca Cola Space Science Center at Columbus State University in Georgia. Visit

For an interactive presentation on lunar eclipses go to:

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight // The moon during lunar eclipse in 2007 (© Marco Ugarte/AP)

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