In its 12 year of production, Ibermedia has been the supporter and driving force behind some of Latin America’s most epic and acclaimed documentaries and films. Rolling through NYC for only one week, don’t miss this very special film festival with screening each night at the MoMA. Check the link provided for the full film schedule, or take a look at our calender for specific dates.
“For over a decade, Ibermedia has been instrumental in the continued ascent of Latin American, Spanish, and Portuguese films. This intergovernmental organization began with seven member countries; today films from eighteen member countries appear on festival schedules and in cinemas the world over. Ibermedia facilitates and helps to finance coproductions between its Spanish- and Portuguese-language member countries, and grants money for international distribution and promotion once the films are finished. Professional film organizations from the country sponsoring the proposal select the projects to be helped by Ibermedia, thus ensuring each project’s autonomy. With no strings attached, the filmmakers’ personal visions are protected and the projects retain their national and/or personal-historical character. To date, Ibermedia has supported over five hundred films across a wide spectrum of genres and approaches, and provided training for film professionals. As the films in this exhibition make clear, Ibermedia encourages cinematic innovation and supports cinema with something to say. Several filmmakers will be present to introduce their films.”- MoMA
The Dead Girl’s Feast
The Wooden Box
Postcards from Leningrad
Used Parts (Partes Usadas)
From the Land to Your Table
Thursday, November 5th to Friday, November 13th
W 53rd St
New York, NY 10019
Venue Website
Adults $10, Students & Seniors $6, Members & Children GRATIS!