In October of 2009. A Latin@ youth group passionate for God in New York City saw an Atheist advertising campaign in their subway system which stated, "A Million New Yorkers Are Good Without God. Are You? In less than 2 weeks more than 1,500 youth made history in the city. God Belongs In My City is our declaration of Faith. Twenty-five (25) additional cities also have taken to their streets to proclaim the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 29th marks a very important day in New York City. While many individuals will be preparing tor Halloween activities, the Body of Christ will be uniting to host the 3rd Annual God Belongs In My City prayer Walk! Beginning at 9:00AM youth from around the 5 boroughs wearing the same simple T-shirt, will prayer walk from the North and the South of Manhattan, joining together at Times Square and Grand Central Station.
Purchase your own shirt, and join with us in prayer for the city's education system, government leaders, the media, global issues and leaders, and unity within the church. T-shirt and hooded sweatshirt details are provided below, or visit our website: .
As Christ came and changed the world, we as Christians ought to impact our city NOW. There is a call to fearlessly rise up as ONE, not collapse under the waves of this world. We are commissioned to carry forth the Gospel of Salvation!