Faith & Academics is a college conference sponsored by InterVarsity Latino Fellowship and the Latino Leadership Circle.In 2010 we saw an increase of 437,000 Black and Latino college students in the U.S. according to Pew Hispanic Center and the U.S. Census Bureau. Yet Black and Latino students continue to have some of the highest college dropout rates. And unfortunately our Churches are often at a loss of how to identify and engage the needs of their college students.
This Conference will address the need for the local Church to connect faith and academic achievement as God’s purposes for our youth and to be fully invested in their spiritual and academic success. Our goal is to strengthen the Churches ability develop young leaders by helping them persist through college with a flourishing and maturing faith in Jesus Christ and who are ready to contribute to a world in need of Godly leaders. This conference will also provide Black and Latino students the knowledge, awareness and skills they need to have a thriving college experience that leads to graduation.
Some Topics:
- Loving God With Our Mind: A Biblical Perspective on The Development and Discipleship of the Mind
- Dollars and Sense: Managing Your Finances and College Budget
- Let Go/Let Grow: Parenting a College Student
Our Mission:
- Expand the Vision of Black and Latino Students for Academic Achievement
- Expose the Church in New York to the importance of Connecting Faith and Academics as a way to honor God with Our Minds.
- Encourage and support Black and Latino students Toward Graduation
This conference is free for all attendees however to cover some costs there is a suggested donation of $10.