The Latino Leadership Circle invites you to attend a wonderful interactive presentation by internationally known author Brian McLaren. McLaren has been named by Time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in the country, he is the author of numerous books including, A Generous Orthodoxy, The Secret Message of Jesus, and Adventures in Missing the Point. He has also been a guest on "Larry King Live"
Brian will discuss how we can use our faith to address real world issues of poverty, the environment and issues of power. Come for a transformative re-evaluation of faith and social engagement!
Date: Friday, May 2nd–Saturday, May 3rd
Time: Friday at 7:00pm and Saturday from 8:30am–4:00pm
Place: Latino Pastoral Action Center
14 West 170th Street
Bronx, NY 10452
Cost: $20.00
Just got back from EMC–it was outstanding! Tonight we had a diverse array of Christians from Baptists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, United Methodists, Pentecostals, non-denominational, Mennonites, and Greek Orthodox traditions. People came from Pennsylvania, Boston, Ontario and Puerto Rico just to attend the conference. There was liturgy, lecture, music and fellowship. There is still one full day so if you missed tonight, make an effort to go today–you won’t regret it.