20/20 Vision for Schools represents the single most significant regional youth ministry initiative I have seen in my lifetime. Come experience how it can transform your youth ministry this Monday, March 10, at 7-9pm at King’s College (Empire State Building, LL Classroom 2).
This months speaker will be Pastor Ray Parrascando who pastors CrossRoads Church in Staten Island. Pastor Ray has coined the phrase which we use for 20/20 Vision, "Resume of Trust" This time with Pastor Ray will be extremely motivating and insightful. We ask that you RSVP via email for this months meeting. If you have any questions please go to which will be able to further inform you of this months meeting as well as additional information regarding the Coalition and its 20/20 Vision project.
In His Service,
Uniting youth workers. Engaging youth culture. Transforming youth.
Transforming public schools within a single generation of students.