Statement from Faith in Public Life, PICO National Network, Sojourners and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Washington, DC – An estimated 140,000 people of faith gathered on a historic national conference call with President Barack Obama and the American faith community. Sponsored by more than thirty religious denominations and organizations that cut across race and religious tradition, the call helped launch a massive “40 Days for Health Reform” campaign to mobilize people of faith to press Congress to finish work on health care reform when they return after Labor Day Recess.
President Obama and his Domestic Policy Director Melody Barnes spoke directly to the most pressing issues on the minds of people of faith. By addressing the moral dimension of the health care debate, they recognized the important role of the faith community in finally achieving health care reform.
At every moment in American history when a movement was needed to solve a great challenge facing the nation, people of faith have led. This moment is no different. Today’s call lifted up the inspiring efforts of tens of thousands of people of faith across the United States to promote a civil dialogue and ensure Congress passes legislation in 2009 that makes quality health care affordable for all American families. The call put the focus of the health care debate where it should be – on the needs and voice of American families working to keep their loved ones healthy and their communities strong.
A recording of the call is available at or, which live-streamed the call.
More information about the 40 Day Campaign for Health Care Reform is available at, including the call co-sponsors.
Contact: Kristin Williams or Dan Nejfelt, Faith in Public Life, 202.459.8625 or 202.290.8795, or or Gordon Whitman, PICO (202) 427-2992