Compassion Consortium: Empowering New York City’s Youth

The Administration for Children and Families’ Compassion Capital Fund created the Communities Empowering Youth Program in an effort to build the capacity of faith- and community-based groups that are working to further positive youth development and provide alternatives to gang involvement for youth aged 12-21. The Partnership for After School Education (PASE) was awarded a three-year contract to develop the capacity of five New York City agencies (called the “Central Consortium”) with the goals of increasing their sustainability and effectiveness, developing their funding sources and creating effective collaborations with other agencies. This Central Consortium includes East Harlem Churches and Community Urban Center, Effective Alternatives in Reconciliation Services (EARS), Fresh Youth Initiatives (FYI), Operation Exodus, and Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice (YMPJ).

PASE will partner with various agencies in order to build its own capacity and that of the Consortium members. Consortium members self-identify specific areas of needed capacity building in four critical areas: leadership development, organization development, program development, and community engagement. Each will receive personalized consultation, tailor-made workshops and technical assistance in at least two of the four critical areas based upon these assessments. Consortium agencies will receive stipends and monies from PASE’s Special Projects Implementation Fund to assist them with their capacity building endeavors. In turn, each member agency is charged with developing a coalition with four other community- or faith-based organizations in order to provide mentorship on capacity building strategies and to coordinate services for youth.

Consortium Members Receive:

• Individualized needs assessment related to four critical areas of capacity building

• Agency-tailored technical assistance and training with content area experts and consultants

• Hands-on, practical content support through one-on-one engagement and follow up

• Monies from PASE’s Special Project Implementation Fund for capacity building endeavors

• Networking and peer mentoring opportunities with other youth service providers

• Access to curricula tailored to youth for after school time use, among other resources

Consortium Members Provide:

• Designated staff to plan capacity-building sessions, attend workshops & seminars

• Commitment of staff for comprehensive needs assessment process and program evaluation

• Allocated staff time for attendance in capacity building workshops and seminars

• Community needs assessment and the creation of a community coalition of four community- or faith-based organizations and regular meetings with them to share learnings and coordinate services for youth

For more information about PASE or the Compassion Consortium Initiative, contact us at: Partnership for After School Education 120 Broadway, Suite 230 New York, NY 10271 Phone: 212-571-2664 • Fax: 212-571-2676

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